Exciting Homebuyer Education Trainings on the Horizon
Based on the input of Committee members, the Coalition’s Homebuyer Readiness Committee is planning two exciting trainings this spring to support homebuyer practitioners working to teach and support new homebuyers in their communities. We invite you to participate in these classes! Registration information will be coming soon.
Designing and Strengthening Your Homebuyer Education Program
Many of our practitioners have attended financial education and homebuyer instructor trainings and are very familiar with different training curriculums. This training will go a step further – looking at how to design a homebuyer education program, or strengthen an existing program. Discussion will include:
- What should agendas cover?
- What activities can should be included?
- How should training modules be structured?
Through this training, participants will have an opportunity to:
- Engage in hands-on activities to expand and practice their facilitation skills
- Learn and test new interactive training activities
- Create participants’ and trainers’ agendas
- Develop pre- and post- training checklists
- Learn new concepts related to adult education methodology
The training will provide valuable opportunities for peer sharing and discussions, and time to for participants to enhance and strengthen their new and their existing financial and homebuyer education programs.
Creating a Healthy HomeÂ
Homeownership means more than budgets and monthly payments. Homebuyer educators can also share important information about home maintenance and creating a healthy home environment. In this class, we will look at practical energy-saving tips, how to make non-toxic, healthy cleaning products with readily-available materials, and how healthy homes contribute to healthy communities. We will also spend time looking at local, native plants and their uses.