Nearly 12,000 People Reached Through “Native Homeownership is Possible” Campaign

On November 5, 2018 the South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition launched a week-long social media campaign designed to spread the message that “Native Homeownership is Possible” throughout Native communities in the state by utilizing the series of Native homeownership videos we produced. To help our stakeholders engage in the campaign, we developed a Social Media Toolkit with sample posts, a collection of shareable images, and hashtags.

We are pleased to announce that the campaign was incredibly successful! It gained momentum each day, and our message reached far and wide. Here’s what we accomplished:

  • Reached 11,869 people through Facebook posts.
  • Engaged 519 people through Facebook posts.
  • Drove 58 people to the site to seek out homeownership resources or watch additional videos.
  • Accumulated 453 views of the videos in the “Native Homeownership is Possible” series.

And some more great news… The content we published during the campaign will continue to have an impact in Native communities. As a result of the campaign, we seeded the idea of homeownership in nearly 12,000 minds. Not all of those people will act right away, but 58 people did take the first step on their homeownership journey by seeking out more information on our website. We can’t wait to see more and more Native families becoming homeowners!

Campaign Participants

The campaign was made possible by our stakeholders that mobilized to help spread the critical message that homeownership is possible in Native communities. We’d like to thank the following people and organizations for sharing and posting content to support a broader reach of the campaign’s messaging:

Juel Burnette

Chance Renville

CRHA Homebuyer Readiness

Andrew Boyd

Lisa Whitewing

Tony Wood

Dowell Caselli Smith

Northwest Area Foundation

GROW South Dakota

Enterprise Community Partners

Lakota Funds

Lakota Federal Credit Union

Homes are Possible, Inc.

Christine Sorensen

Ana Catches

Sweet Grass Consulting

Lesa Jarding

Coalition Reflects on Accomplishments and Re-Energizes for Year Ahead

On October 29, the Coalition held our 5th Annual Planning day, which was the day prior to the South Dakota Annual Housing Conference. During the planning day, we continued our tradition of reflecting on the past year, highlighting accomplishments, and planning for the year ahead. The day provided the opportunity for Coalition members to celebrate our work, explore future priorities, and re-energize for the future. The day’s agenda included:

Historical Timeline

Coalition members reviewed this historical timeline, which reflected key milestones in the Coalition’s development. These milestones include annual visits to tribal communities, homebuyer practitioner trainings, launching the construction internship program, the 502 re-lending pilot, and creating the veterans homeownership committee.

Download Timeline

Key Accomplishments

Jennifer Irving of Thunder Valley CDC facilitated our look at these accomplishments, including launching the membership drive, developing the Native Homeownership is Possible media campaign, and solidifying the Coalition’s data collection systems.

Strategic Directions

Coalition members had the opportunity to break out into small groups to explore strategic directions proposed by the executive committee:

  • Ensuring the Coalition’s sustainability
  • Building capacity for Native homeownership
  • Identifying outcomes and developing an impact tracking plan
  • Developing an effective and comprehensive communication plan

Tribal Leaders Handbook on Homeownership

Jason Adams of the Salish and Kootenai Housing Authority in Montana shared information on the Handbook, which was developed by the Center for Indian Country Development and Enterprise Community Partners.

Housing Needs Studies 

Sonny Hill of the Yankton Sioux Tribe and Joanna Donohoe provided an update on the two studies currently being completed with the support of the Coalition and the South Dakota Housing Development Authority.  Conducted by Big Water Consulting, the studies are focusing on homeownership needs of the Yankton and Standing Rock Sioux Tribes.

Construction Internship Program

Coalition members had the opportunity learn about 2018 construction internship efforts through a discussion with internship partners: Tawney Brunsch (Lakota Funds), Alissa Benoist (Four Bands Community Fund), Kenny Soderlin (Pine Ridge contractor), and Michael Patton (Pine Ridge intern).

Committee Meetings

Through in-person committee meetings, Coalition members had the chance to review their 2018 efforts, start planning 2019 milestones, and appoint (or re-appoint) committee chairs.  Proposed 2019 milestones are reflected here.  During their meeting, members of the Funding and Finance committee agreed to change the name of this committee to Coalition and Member Sustainability, to reflect their focus on long-term sustainability.


At the conclusion of the planning day, Coalition members noted their individual commitments to the Coalition.  These included:

  • Renew membership and become more active.
  • I commit to being a committee co-chair.
  • Become paid member.
  • Share social media resources with our media lists to promote the Coalition’s work.
  • I will remain committed to providing my time and energy to the goals and mission statement of the SDNHOC. My organization will become a member of SDNHOC. Thank you SDNHOC for all you do for the Indian country and native homeownership.
  • My commitment is to obtain knowledge and educate myself so I can be more committed in the future coalition.
  • Continue to represent my housing authority.
  • I am committed to participating in Coalition activities, committee meetings and promoting the work being done here to other partners nationally. Share Native Homeownership is possible campaign!
  • To continue ongoing work needed in our communities. Focus on needs for our people.

Native Homeownership Track at the South Dakota Annual Housing Conference

This year, the Coalition also continued our tradition of planning conference workshops focused on issues relating to Native homeownership.  These workshops enable our Coalition members, and other conference attendees, to dive deeper into topics impacting our work.  This year’s workshops covered:

  • Exploring New Mortgage Market Opportunities:  The Mortgage Lending Process on Trust Land
  • Homeownership Opportunities for Native Families: A Look at Subdivision Development Financing
  • Increasing Housing Stock in Native Communities: New Native-owned Construction Companies
  • Home Construction Options on Tribal Land

Coalition Launches Statewide Social Media Campaign

The South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition is pleased to announce the launch of our “Native Homeownership is Possible” social media campaign. Through this campaign we hope to mobilize a force of stakeholders to amplify the message that ‘homeownership is possible’ within Native communities in South Dakota. During campaign week participating organizations will be sharing and posting content through social media outlets to ensure this critical message is being heard by Native families throughout the state.


Native Homeownership is Possible Campaign

November 5 – 9, 2018


Social Media Toolkit

We have developed an easy to follow toolkit that can be used as a guide for your social media efforts as you take part in the “Native Homeownership is Possible” campaign. Please feel free to use or modify the content presented in this toolkit to help us promote a strong message of Native homeownership.

Download Toolkit

Shareable Images

We have developed several social share cards for you to use with your favorite social media outlet. Just save the images to your computer or device and start sharing!

Amplifying Our Voice

To help us expand our collective effort, please also use the following hashtags in your social media posts:
