Coalition Names Housing Development Director

The South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition is pleased to announce that we have selected Red Dawn Foster (Oglala Lakota and Navajo) as Executive Director to lead the formation and launch of our housing development subsidiary, an entity that will support tribal communities in their efforts to increase the number of safe and affordable homes.

“Housing is the foundation to economic development and overall health and wellness of families,” says Foster. “I’m excited to be part of helping Native communities to leverage resources and find innovative solutions.”

Foster is in her third term as a South Dakota State Senator representing the 27th district. She brings over 15 years of experience working with tribal communities in the community and economic development field. Foster holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Master of Arts degree in Business Administration.

“We are thrilled to have Red Dawn on board. This is a milestone in the formation of the Coalition’s housing development subsidiary and a critical step to increasing our overall sustainability and furthering our mission,” says Sharon Vogel, Board Chairwoman of the Coalition.

This strategic staffing step follows the release of a feasibility study that revealed the Coalition could in fact establish a viable development subsidiary. Once the entity is formally established, Foster will design a menu of services that could include assessments, project planning, community engagement, contract management, project management, or other services to meet client needs. She will also create a pool of talented housing development experts to consult with tribes, tribal departments, tribally-designated housing entities, or nonprofit organizations on housing development projects.

The creation of the Coalition’s housing development subsidiary has been supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – Administration for Native Americans, Enterprise Community Partners, and Wells Fargo InvestNative.

Coalition Builds Workforce and Improves Home Construction

Since 2016, the South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition’s Physical Issues Committee has been working to increase the number of certified building instructors in the state’s reservation communities. Building inspectors play a critical role in ensuring homes are safe and healthy for new homeowners. As part of these efforts, the Coalition hosts annual inspector certification workshops that provide attendees with code books, professional training, study materials, and the required fees to take the International Code Council (ICC) certification exam. So far, six individuals have passed the challenge and become certified inspectors for new residential construction.

Archie Marshall, a lead inspector for the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, attended a workshop and passed the test about a year ago. He heard about the workshop from another Coalition member and thought it would be a good opportunity since he was already doing some inspection work.

“I never knew this type of training existed. I was aware of a lot of the codes already, but I had never seen an ICC book,” says Marshall.

He says that even with 35 years of construction experience, he still learned a lot from the workshop and had to work hard to pass the 60-question certification exam within the designated two hours.

“The instructor was really helpful. We learned how to use our code books as a resource guide,” says Marshall.

Once Marshall passed the test, he received a certificate and an identification card from ICC. His certification will be good for three years. Within that time, he must complete a certain amount of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to stay current on the ever-changing construction industry. Without the CEUs, he’ll have to retake the test.

“I was always told that construction is an evolving industry. Anybody building anything has to have ongoing training,” says Marshall.

Immediately following his certification, he was contracted as the Lead Inspector for the Rosebud Sioux Tribe’s ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) Construction Office. Since then, he has completed over 150 inspections for remodeled roofs, windows, ADA ramps, door replacements, and more. Amid all of this, he has received several employment opportunities, and he knows of a handful of openings for inspectors.

“So yeah, I have job security,” affirms Marshall.

This year, the Coalition will host two inspector certification workshops – one in March and another in September. These events are being facilitated as part of a $5 million grant from the Economic Development Administration’s (EDA’s) Good Jobs Challenge. Through grant activities, the Coalition and our partners will create 100 jobs over three years.

Workshop Attracts Over 100 Attendees in Effort to Increase Housing Stock on Indian Reservations

Workshop Attracts Over 100 Attendees in Effort to Increase Housing Stock on Indian Reservations

According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), about 16 percent of households on Indian reservations are overcrowded, and an additional 68,000 housing units are needed to alleviate this burden. Housing in Indian Country is a complex and costly problem, but the South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition is making strides in reversing long-standing issues in our state.

“The Coalition is literally taking a ground-up approach to solving the housing crisis that South Dakota’s reservation communities have been enduring for too long. We’ve taken a proactive approach to eliminate barriers to homeownership. Ultimately, it is about increasing the number of homes so that people have safe and affordable places to live,” says Elias Mendoza, Program Director for the Coalition.

As part of these efforts, the Coalition hosts an annual Contractor’s Workshop designed to build the capacity of construction firms that are working or want to work in Native communities. This year’s workshop attracted 109 attendees from four different states (South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, and Nebraska) who learned about safety, bonding, financing, and best business practices. They also discussed the possibility of starting a Native American chapter of the International Code Council and had the opportunity to pitch their businesses to various federal, state, and tribal agencies.

“This has become an annual event that building contractors working in reservation communities have come to look forward to. Our hope is that they walk away with tools that will contribute to their success,” says Ellen White Thunder, Deputy Director of Lakota Funds, who played a key role in organizing this year’s event.

The Coalition’s holistic approach to increasing housing stock in reservation communities, which has been underway for nearly six years, also includes a construction internship program, an inspector certification program, and an effort to increase the number of appraisers serving Native communities.

Getting to Know Four Bands

Four Bands Community Fund

Four Bands Community Fund, a Kola Member of the South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition, is located in Eagle Butte on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation.


A Growing Organization

When Four Bands first began their work as a Native community development financial institution (CDFI) in 2000, less than 1% of businesses on the Cheyenne River Reservation were Native American-owned. To date, they have deployed over $20 million in business loans, resulting in the start-up or expansion of hundreds of new businesses and the creation or retention of over 1,000 jobs. While still deeply committed to private sector business development at home on the Reservation, Four Bands expanded its geographic service area to include the entire state of South Dakota about 10 years ago. The organization has also greatly expanded its suite of programs to meet community needs – one of the most pressing being housing.

In 2018, Four Bands piloted a mortgage product, deploying one loan valuing $7,600. By the time of the official launch in 2019, they had already built a pipeline of mortgage borrowers through a partnership with Cheyenne River Housing Authority, in which they had helped deliver homeownership training to hundreds of families. Within three years they deployed a total of 44 mortgage loans valuing nearly $4 million. Four Bands dedicates an average of 25 hours of customized technical assistance and coaching to help each client become mortgage-ready and guides them step-by-step through the entire process, from pre-application to post-loan servicing. At any given time, they are working with about 30 clients in varying stages of their homeownership journeys.


An Advocate for Access to Capital

After Four Bands launched their homeownership program, they quickly experienced a demand that outpaced available capital for home financing. As an active member in the South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition, Four Bands joined the advocacy efforts to increase access to mortgage capital. They became a key partner in the USDA Rural Development 502 Direct CDFI Relending Pilot where they deployed $1 million in 502 Direct Loans. In late 2022, USDA announced an expansion of the pilot that will enable Four Bands to deploy an additional $3 million. They are continuing advocacy efforts with the Coalition to make the pilot permanent.

Four Bands has two staff members that assist clients with 502 Direct Loans as well as their other mortgage products, April Anderson and Tori Chasing Hawk.

April explains, “The [502 Direct CDFI Relending] Pilot helps us get the right capital into the right project. It’s a huge benefit by helping housing stay affordable, which means we are able to service more clients.”

Both April and Tori come from a banking background and enjoy the client-centered, flexible approach at Four Bands. They let the client take the lead, but if they need help, April and Tori help them problem solve.

“They don’t have to fit into a box,” says Tori, who helps clients with anything from savings and credit to insurance and property taxes.

“It’s really nice. We get to be on the journey with our clients. We ride it with them no matter how they need our support, watching them grow and learn,” says April.

They say the best part is when homeowners share their story and inspire the next group of people to start their journey.

Let's welcome our newest team member!

Welcome Cheryce Not Afraid!

Please join us in welcoming the newest member of our growing team, Cheryce Not Afraid (Oglala Sioux)! Cheryce came on board this month as our new Operations Manager, and will be supporting the Coalition as we transition to an independent 501c(3) by helping to establish policies and procedures as well as key financial functions within the organization.

“It will be exciting to see what we will accomplish. There are so many things being worked on, and one thing connects to the next,” she says.

Prior to her position as Operations Manager, Cheryce worked for Oglala Lakota College and the Oglala Sioux Tribe. She brings over a decade in financial and grants management to the Coalition. Cheryce holds several degrees, including an Associate’s Degree in Entrepreneurship, a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, and a Master’s Degree in Indigenous People’s Law. Cheryce, her husband, and four children enjoy participating in and watching sports and traveling to powwows. With such a busy schedule, she says her favorite times are those spent at home.

“I love just being at home – having that stability. In this position, I get to help people have that feeling as well,” Cheryce states.

Getting to Know Sharon Vogel

Sharon Vogel, Chairwoman

Sharon Vogel (third from left) was seated on the South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition’s inaugural Board of Directors in June 2022. She serves as the Chairwoman and is the Executive Director of Cheyenne River Housing Authority.


A New Era of Indian Housing

The Native American Housing and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA), which was enacted by Congress in 1996, transformed housing in Indian Country by giving tribes greater control over their allocations of federal dollars. It was shortly after this game-changing legislation that Sharon Vogel, with encouragement from her mentor, returned home to the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation to enter into the homeownership field. Taking on a totally new initiative that had no established road maps, Sharon helped launch the Cheyenne River Housing Authority’s One Stop Mortgage Center. The center was part of a national strategy to build local capacity and promote homeownership in Native American communities.

“We realized it wasn’t going to be a cookie cutter program,” says Sharon, reflecting on the novelty of mortgages on the Reservation over 20 years ago. “That first year we closed maybe three loans, and each of them was a process. You had never done it before, and they had never done it before.”

Those were some of the first Housing and Urban Development Section 184 (HUD 184) mortgages deployed on Cheyenne River, but there were more “firsts” to come. Realizing they needed capital from a community-based mortgage lender, Sharon was an integral part of creating Community 1st Credit Union in 2007 under the sponsorship of the Cheyenne River Housing Authority. Although it has become part of Black Hills Federal Credit Union, the facility continues to provide essential banking services to Cheyenne River residents.

Setting the Foundation with Education

Just having more ready access to mortgage capital ushered in a new era of progress, however, Cheyenne River Housing Authority’s 12-week homebuyer education program has also brought about transformational change. Although the class itself has changed and grown over the years, Sharon believes it is still the best thing they can do.

She explains, “The classes have been great for introducing the mortgage loan process and they also incorporate consumer education. It has been really impactful and has practical applications to all aspects of life. The feedback is always positive, and that’s how we know we’re on the right path.”

Sharon says the participants that have completed the class and gone through the mortgage process have been some of the best advertisers of homeownership. Cheyenne River’s local Native community development financial institution (CDFI), Four Bands Community Fund, has also been a major contributor to increasing the number of homeowners on the Reservation. Potential homebuyers now have multiple lender options for financing their new home.

“Mortgage lending is now really understood [in the community],” says Sharon.

Another major milestone achieved under Sharon’s leadership has been the successful financing of seven housing development projects for Badger Park, a 160-acre development that will eventually house up to 1,500 people. With 38 planned homeownership lots, the development will also feature apartments, rentals, elderly housing, and outdoor recreational areas.

“One of our biggest accomplishments is to be able to provide the mortgage borrower with a tribal lot assignment that has fully-built infrastructure,” says Sharon. This approach eliminates prohibitive infrastructure costs that many families would have otherwise faced building in a rural area.

Implementing Collective Action Strategies

Sharon has been involved with the South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition from the start and was immediately drawn to the Policy Committee, which she has co-chaired for the past six years. She saw that many of the barriers to homeownership would require coordinated advocacy as part of the solutions, so that is where she has applied much of her energy.

“It is so satisfying to see more things happening, especially since the Coalition started. We’ve seen homeownership rates increasing on all of the reservations,” delights Sharon.

The Coalition’s Policy Committee has raised awareness of Native American homeownership by engaging policy makers and helped spread replicable models throughout the country by leveraging partnerships. They have also celebrated several policy victories, especially with the Veterans Affairs Native American Direct Loan (NADL) program and the USDA 502 Direct Loan program. Although these are some big wins, Sharon points out that the Coalition’s advocacy work really took hold as more partners joined in the earlier years. It was a collective effort that effected change.

She adds, “You can’t underestimate the value of small change. I think about some of the small steps leading up to where we were able influence the development of important work. There is so much work that has been impactful, yet there is so much more work that needs to be done. We are very fortunate to have multiple successes in multiple arenas, and that is the result of very hard work.”

A House is More Than a Home

Outside of work, Sharon enjoys spending time with her kids and grandkids. A big part of her enjoyment is being supportive and encouraging them in their activities. She also appreciates being able to go home and unwind with leisurely projects.

“Your home is your sanctuary and your retreat,” she comments.

Centered on that belief, it is no coincidence that Sharon continuously works to create a similar reality for so many other Native families in her community, across the state, and throughout the nation.

“You see what families can do when they are stabilized. It changes the family in a good way. It changes their children and grandchildren, and it changes the whole community. It’s important for people to know they have a safe place,” affirms Sharon.

Coalition Seeks a Housing Development Subsidiary Executive Director

The South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition (SDNHOC) is a diverse group of over 75 tribal, state, federal, nonprofit, and private sector stakeholders working to identify barriers, share innovative solutions, and leverage resources to create a clear path to homeownership for Native people in South Dakota. We are governed by a representative Board of Directors, and Lakota Funds, a Native community development financial institution, serves as our fiscal agent. After working as an informal coalition for nearly ten years, we are now working towards becoming an independent, 501(c)3 organization. We are currently developing statewide homeownership and workforce development programs and envision a staff of seven employees by early 2023.

To contribute to the organization’s sustainability, we are also creating a new Housing Development Subsidiary (HDS) which will serve as the development arm of the SDNHOC. The HDS will primarily focus on providing housing development services to Coalition member organizations who wish to increase or improve housing opportunities for Native families in South Dakota. Examples of services might include serving as the developer for housing construction projects, conducting housing needs assessments and market studies, obtaining preliminary architectural and engineer reports, conducting site analysis, obtaining construction financing, developing infrastructure, preparing design and construction documents, or providing property management services.

We are seeking to hire a Housing Development Subsidiary Executive Director who will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day activities of the new subsidiary.

Primary responsibilities:

  • Help to design and manage a new entity that provides housing development services to potential clients;
  • Create and maintain a high-quality development team comprised of staff members, independent contractors, and volunteers;
  • Conduct contract and project management;
  • Oversee housing development projects to ensure successful outcomes and capacity building opportunities for clients and impacted communities;
  • Maintain relationships with community, government, and private sector stakeholders;
  • Work closely with the SDNHOC Board of Directors to set priorities and strategic directions;
  • Manage organizational activities to ensure the long-term financial sustainability for both HDS and SDNHOC;
  • Hire and manage staff and consultants;
  • Oversee the development and implementation of HDS policies and procedures;
  • Take the lead on HDS resource development and fundraising efforts; and
  • Ensure compliance with all funding sources.

Download Full Job Description

To Apply

Please send a cover letter and resume to:

Tawney Brunsch, Executive Director
Lakota Funds
PO Box 340
Kyle, SD  57752


South Dakota Housing Awards Tawney Brunsch with the Friend of Housing Award

South Dakota Housing presented its “Friend of Housing” Award to Tawney Brunsch at the annual statewide housing conference. South Dakota Housing presents the award annually to an individual who has made a commitment to affordable housing in South Dakota through their contributions, achievements and vision.

As a community leader, Brunsch serves as the Executive Director of Lakota Funds, the first Native Community Development Financial Institution, serving the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations with access to savings accounts, consumer loans and mortgage loans. She also led Lakota Funds to be the first Native financial institution to become a USDA FSA guaranteed lender. Under her leadership, as of December 2020, Lakota Funds had loaned more than $16.3 million through 1,225 loans, aiding 823 businesses and creating over 2,000 jobs.

On the state level, Brunsch is a vital member of the South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition since its creation in 2013, a group dedicated to increasing homeownership opportunities for Native families to build strong and healthy communities. She currently serves as the fiscal agent, on the Executive/Steering Committee, leads the Physical Issues Committee, and is active on the Policy and Veteran’s Committees.

At the national level, Brunsch was a founding board member for the Native CDFI Network, a national group that works to strengthen Native CDFIs. She is the Chair of the Credit Committee for the Council for Native American Farmers and Ranchers and just completed her term on the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines’ Advisory Council. And this year, she ascends to chair the Consumer Advisory Council for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

When Tawney is not working tirelessly for her native community, she dedicates her spare time to her passions that include her grandbabies, children, and her beloved Green Bay Packers.

“Every community needs a champion and the Native community is lucky to be the recipient of Tawney’s work” said executive director Lorraine Polak. “Tawney uses her passion to lead the way for the betterment of her community.”

The Friend of Housing Award was started 23 years ago to recognize individuals and/or companies who are instrumental in providing affordable housing in South Dakota. Annually, South Dakota Housing accepts nominations for the award and announces the recipient at their annual housing conference.

We're expanding our team!

We are seeking qualified candidates for five positions!

After working as an informal coalition for nearly ten years, we are now working towards becoming an independent, 501(c)3 stand-alone organization. We are currently developing statewide homeownership and workforce development programs, and envision a staff of seven employees by early 2023. We are seeking experienced applicants for five new positions:

  1. Executive Director
  2. Operations Manager
  3. Homeownership Program Manager
  4. Workforce Development Program Manager
  5. Workforce Development Training Coordinator

Initially, these positions will be Lakota Funds staff positions. Once the new nonprofit entity is created, the positions will transition to be employees of the new organization.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be commensurate with experience. Benefits will be provided, including health care, dental care, vision, and retirement.

Download Job Descriptions

To Apply

Please send a cover letter and resume to:

Tawney Brunsch, Executive Director
Lakota Funds
P.O. Box 340
Kyle, SD 57752


Lakota Funds recognizes Native preference in hiring.

Coalition Seats Inaugural Board of Directors

With June as National Homeownership Month as a fitting backdrop, the South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition introduced our initial Board of Directors to our membership base and a myriad of partner organizations who were in attendance at our Annual Tour & Convening in Flandreau, South Dakota. The Board of Directors is comprised of:

  • Chairwoman: Sharon Vogel, Executive Director of Cheyenne River Housing Authority
  • Vice Chairman: Eric Shepherd, Executive Director of Sisseton Wahpeton Housing Authority
  • Secretary: Tawney Brunsch, Executive Director of Lakota Funds
  • Treasurer: Lori Moen, Chief Operating Officer of GROW South Dakota
  • Members: Juel Burnette III, Branch Manager of First Tribal Lending; Tatewin Means, Executive Director of Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation; Lorraine Polak, Executive Director of South Dakota Housing Development Authority; Colleen Steele, Executive Director of Mazaska Owecaso Otipi Financial; Lakota Vogel, Executive Director of Four Bands Community Fund

“Seating the Board is a major milestone in formalizing our operations and strengthening our programming. We have a great group of dedicated, diverse, and knowledgeable professionals, many of whom have been supporting the Coalition since its inception,” says Chairwoman Sharon Vogel.

The Coalition’s Annual Tour & Convening was a three-day event comprised of a planning day, a site visit, committee meetings, and a lender symposium. The event was attended by 72 individuals representing tribes, regional and national nonprofit organizations, state and federal legislators, lenders, and various federal agencies. In addition to South Dakota, attendees traveled from Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming, to examine successful models and engage in discussions surrounding Native American homeownership.

“The level of participation we had from across the country demonstrates the strong support we have, not only from our tribal communities, but also from a wide range of partner organizations and government agencies that are aligning their efforts in order to create more homeownership opportunities for Native Americans,” says Sharon Vogel.

Despite economic impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, demand for homeownership in South Dakota’s Native American communities has continued to grow. Collectively, the members of the Coalition deployed 85 home-related loans totaling $6.4 million in 2021, representing more than a 57% increase in number of loans and 20% increase in value of loans from 2020. More than half of the 2021 borrowers were first-time homebuyers, and 89% of the loans were deployed on or near Indian reservations. To make homeownership possible for the low-income communities they serve, members of the Coalition delivered 46 homeownership trainings along with 237 hours of customized assistance to borrowers and connected homebuyers to an average of $5,365 in subsidies.

“The impact numbers deliver a clear message. Despite long-standing, systemic barriers, our membership base is utilizing effective strategies to create homeownership opportunities for Native American families. People throughout the nation are taking note and adapting these models in their communities,” states Sharon Vogel.