Native Veterans
The Native Veterans Homeownership Committee works to increase access to homeownership resources for Native American veterans by focusing on matters addressing housing stock and land issues, homebuyer education, and subsidies.
veterans homeownership assessments
new veterans homeownership model
> Finalize the statewide housing needs assessment for Native Veterans.
> Advocate for VA Native American Direct Loan (NADL) reforms.
> Develop an outreach strategy/toolkit to support TVSOs on providing housing services to veterans.
> Develop statewide Native Veterans Homebuyer and Practitioner Guides.
> Promote opportunities for Native veterans to participate in the Coalition’s workforce development program, including the Construction Internship Program.
> Develop specialized homeownership outreach strategy to reach young veterans with 100% service-connected disabilities.
> Finalize the statewide housing needs assessment for Native Veterans
> Advocate for VA Native American Direct Loan (NADL) reforms
> Develop an outreach strategy/toolkit to support TVSOs on providing housing services to veterans.
> Develop statewide Native Veterans Homebuyer and Practitioner Guides.
> Promote opportunities for Native veterans to participate in the coalition's workforce development program, including the construction internship program.
> Develop specialized homeownership outreach strategy to reach young veterans with 100% service-connected disabilities.
"Knowing that Native American veterans experience unique circumstances, we are working to overcome the myriad of complex barriers this group faces in achieving homeownership."

to homeownership.

Coalition Veterans Homeownership Studies
The Veterans Housing Needs and Homeownership Study was developed to gather data that would help tribal housing authorities, Tribal Veterans Service Officers, and other service providers better understand the circumstances, challenges, and needs of veterans in each of the participating communities.

Cheyenne River Veterans Homeownership Study
This report contains the key findings of the study as they relate to the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. The report summarizes key themes and provides associated recommendations.

Pine Ridge Veterans Homeownership Study
This report contains the key findings of the study as they relate to the Oglala Sioux Tribe. The report summarizes key themes and provides associated recommendations.

Sisseton Veterans Homeownership Study
This report contains the key findings of the study as they relate to the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate. The report summarizes key themes and provides associated recommendations.
Get Involved!
To get involved with the Native Veterans Homeownership Committee, please contact one of the committee chairs.
Robert Dunsmore
Geri Opsal
Get Involved!
To get involved with the Native Veterans Homeownership Committee, please contact one of the committee chairs.
Robert Dunsmore
Geri Opsal
Physical Issues
Our Physical Issues Committee develops and implements strategies to explain and streamline the land lease process, strengthen infrastructure development efforts, and increase housing stock on Native land.
leasehold flowcharts
interns completed CIP
hours of work experience
full-time job placements
contractors increased capacity
contractor trainings
> Offer Contractor Capacity Building Trainings
> Continue to increase number of appraisers doing trust land appraisals
> Research strategies to increase home construction affordability
> Identify energy efficient building methods and materials
> Add Construction Internship site
> Increase number of certified inspectors
> Develop construction/builder due diligence checklist
> Continue EDA goals (supported by good jobs)
> Offer Contractor Capacity Building Trainings
> Continue to increase number of appraisers doing trust land appraisals
> Research Strategies to increase home construction affordability
> Identify energy efficient building methods and materials
> Add Construction Internship Site
> Increase number of certified inspectors
> Develop construction/builder due diligence checklist
> Continue EDA goals (supported by good jobs)
"This work is focused on the place where homeownership intersects land, infrastructure, and housing stock issues."

to homeownership.

2021 Construction Internship Program Report
This report looks back on the past five years of the internship, identifying key elements of success, lifting up stories of successful interns and partners, and sharing overall data.

2020 Construction Internship Program Report
This unique report shares how the Construction Internship Program looked at each partner site during the COVID-19 pandemic, some of the impacts that were achieved, and lessons learned.

Appraisal Market Study
This report describes the market for home appraisals on the nine Indian reservations in South Dakota and evaluates potential business opportunities for appraisers on reservation lands.

2017-2019 Construction Internship Program Report
This report shares details about our Construction Internship Program over its three-year history, including an explanation of how the program works and how it has evolved, program impact and outcomes, success stories, key partnerships, lessons learned, and plans for the future.

2018 Construction Internship Program Report
After piloting our Construction Internship Program in summer 2017 on the Cheyenne River and Pine Ridge Reservations, the South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition worked with partner organizations in these tribal communities to solidify and strengthen the program in summer 2018.

2017 Construction Internship Program Report
In 2017, the Coalition designed and implemented a new construction internship pilot program as a strategy to address a primary obstacle to Native homeownership – lack of housing stock.

Leasehold Process Flowcharts
We have developed a series of flowcharts to help homebuyers navigate the process to obtain a lease on trust land on each of South Dakota’s nine reservations.

Barriers to Residential Construction
This paper examines the challenges to residential construction in Native communities, describes efforts to date to address these challenges, and proposes future strategies to tackle these barriers.

Classification of Housing Types
There are many different types of housing. This informational sheet describes the types of housing that are commonly used and classifies them by construction methods.

Homeownership Process Flowchart
We developed a flow chart that provides a general outline of the homeownership process that Native Americans would typically encounter on tribal lands.

Homebuilding Process
Although every homebuilding experience is unique, this chart outlines four main phases leading up to home construction on tribal lands.
Get Involved!
To get involved with the Physical Issues Committee,
please contact one of the committee chairs.
Tawney Brunsch
Lakota Funds
Dustin Baird
Independent Contractor
Eric Shepherd
Sisseton Wahpeton
Get Involved!
To get involved with the Physical Issues Committee, please contact one of the committee chairs.
Tawney Brunsch
Lakota Funds
Dustin Baird
Independent Contractor
Eric Shepherd
Sisseton Wahpeton
Homebuyer Readiness
The Homebuyer Readiness Committee implements strategies to help housing practitioners increase homebuyer readiness in the communities they serve.
certified homebuyer educators
certified financial educators
certified post-purchase trainers
financial coaches
new HERO partners
> Train the trainer for Post Purchase Training.
> Create a DPA guide for employees with a list of resources.
> Train the trainer with Pathways and Building Native Communities Curriculum (Oweesta or National American Housing Council/NAIHC).
> Train the trainer on the different loan types
> Work with tribes, BIA and counties for homebuyer land sites in South Dakota.
> Research diverse types of homes (Dome, Transitional, Manufactured) that would be good for South Dakota Climate.
> Best practices for Train the trainer financial empowerment for clients after the homebuyer class and who have not bought a home yet.
> Worth Reporting
"We are providing tools and resources for practitioners who are on the front lines and guiding Native families along their unique paths to homeownership."

to homeownership.

Financial Coaching Report
This report details the Coalition’s 10-month “financial coaching to support homeownership” initiative. It explains how financial coaching can support homeownership programs, what steps participants took to implement a financial coaching approach, and provides a case study.

Homeownership Practitioner Resource Bank
Access an online resource bank with a variety of tools and templates designed especially for practitioners who are on the front lines of the Native American homeownership movement.

Homebuyer Journal
This journal was developed as a tool that homebuyer practitioners could provide to their clients as they travel the path toward homeownership. It includes an abundance of exercises on vision, values, and goals, as well as budgeting templates and calendars.
Get Involved!
To get involved with the Homebuyer Readiness Committee,
please contact one of the committee chairs.
Michelle Running Wolf
Cheyenne River Housing Authority
Amanda Standing Bear
Mazaska Owecaso Otipi Financial
Get Involved!
To get involved with the Homebuyer Readiness Committee, please contact one of the committee chairs.
Red Dawn Foster
SDNHOC Housing Development Subsidiary
Amanda Standing Bear
Mazaska Owecaso Otipi Financial
Coalition & Member Sustainability
The Coalition & Member Sustainability Committee focuses on building the sustainability of the Coalition and its member organizations through a variety of methods.
membership dues
reports published
homeownership assessments
> Review and approve GPHI 3-year projections.
> Create a list of additional revenue streams and develop a mini-capitalization plan.
> Seek 3 new investments for our Native Access Pool.
> Finalized a tiered membership protocol with associated benefits.
> Facilitate one additional housing needs assessment in a tribal community.
> Review and approve GPHI 3-year projections
> Create a list of additional revenue streams and develop a mini-capitalization plan.
> Seek 3 new investments for our Native Access Pool.
> Finalized a tiered membership protocol with associated benefits.
> Facilitate one additional housing needs assessment in a tribal community.
"We recognize the importance of this work and are committed to identifying and implementing strategies to ensure the Coalition’s long-term viability."

to homeownership.

Cheyenne River Housing Needs Study
The information provided in this report provides an assessment of the unique supply and demand characteristics that makes up the housing market on Cheyenne River.

Rosebud Housing Needs Study
The study examines the state of the current and future housing market on Rosebud in part to demonstrate the unique challenges faced within this market.

Standing Rock Housing Needs Study
This study aimed to determine the needs, homeownership preferences, and affordability criteria of three specific target populations: tribal employees, tribal members nearing retirement, and veterans.

Yankton Housing Needs Study
The purpose of this study was to understand the housing needs within the Yankton Reservation, as well as the barriers and opportunities related to homeownership.

Lender Assessment
The Coalition commissioned a capacity-building needs assessment to evaluate the barriers and opportunities for lenders providing mortgage financing on tribal trust land.

Practitioner Assessment
The Coalition commissioned a capacity-building needs assessment to identify specific capacity-building needs of housing practitioners and other Coalition members.
Get Involved!
To get involved with the Coalition & Member Sustainability Committee, please contact one of the committee chairs.
Red Dawn Foster
SDNHOC Housing Development Subsidiary
Lori Moen
South Dakota Housing Development Authority
Get Involved!
To get involved with the Coalition & Member Sustainability Committee, please contact one of the committee chairs.
Red Dawn Foster
SDNHOC Housing Development Subsidiary
Lori Moen
South Dakota Housing Development Authority
The Policy Committee identifies and addresses systemic policies that are impediments to Native homeownership.
GPTCA resolutions passed
tribal leaders summit
major policy victory
trips to Washington DC
> Develop annual federal & state policy recommendations
> Identify key Coalition impact indicators to share annually with policy makers
> Submit public comment letters, as appropriate.
> Build relationships with and provide briefings to SD congressional delegation, SD state legislators, Great Plains Tribal Chairman's Association.
> Partner with NAIHC to organize a congressional staff visit to SD in August 2025
> Deliver advocacy training for Coalition members, including strategies to educate tribal leadership about homeownership issues
> With local member organizations and partners, organize a homeownership fair for each tribal community that includes a presentation to tribal council about the role of the tribe.
> Develop annual federal & state policy recommendations.
> Identify key coalition impact indicators to share annually with policy makers.
> Submit public comment letters, as appropriate.
> Build relationships with and provide briefings to SD congressional delegation, SD state legislators, Great Plains Tribal Chairman's Association.
> Partner with NAIHC to organize a congressional staff visit to SD in August 2025
> Deliver advocacy training for Coalition members, including strategies to educate tribal leadership about homeownership issues.
> With Local member organizations and partners, organize a homeownership fair for each tribal community that includes, a presentation to tribal council about the role of the tribe.
"Many of the barriers to Native homeownership stem from policies that were implemented over 100 years ago. We are advocating for a clear path to Native homeownership."

to homeownership.

2020 Federal Policy Recommendations
The Coalition has developed recommendations to advocate for federal policies that support Native homeownership.

502 Relending Pilot Progress Report
This report details how the 502 Relending Pilot project has increased access to the USDA 502 Direct Loan in tribal communities.

Housing Opportunity Fund Case Studies
This set of case studies highlights how South Dakota’s Housing Opportunity Fund is creating homeownership opportunities in tribal communities.
Get Involved!
To get involved with the Policy Committee, please contact one of the committee chairs.
J.C. Crawford
CBJ Producers
Sharon Vogel
Cheyenne River Housing Authority
Get Involved!
To get involved with the Policy Committee, please contact one of the committee chairs.
J.C. Crawford
CBJ Producers
Sharon Vogel
Cheyenne River Housing Authority
Our Collective Path to Homeownership
From 2016-2021, our stakeholders have created a multitude of homeownership opportunities.
Strategic Focus Areas
We effectively promote Native American homeownership by facilitating five working committees that strategically address and overcome key issues and pave the way for homeownership among the Native American people of South Dakota.
Resources & Information
We are dedicated to disseminating information that will create homeownership opportunities for Native Americans. Check out our interactive resource guides for funding programs, service providers, and downloadable reports and resources!

Sharing Our Pathway
Our coalition-building toolkit was designed as a tangible guide to replicate our model in your community, ultimately increasing access to homeownership for Native people.
- All-Coalition Quarterly Meeting – February 2025 Zoom 2025-02-11 10:00 Tuesday, 10AM to 11AM
- All-Coalition Quarterly Meeting – May 2025 Zoom 2025-05-13 10:00 Tuesday, 10AM to 11AM
- All-Coalition Quarterly Meeting – August 2025 Zoom 2025-08-12 10:00 Tuesday, 10AM to 11AM
- All-Coalition Quarterly Meeting – November 2025 Zoom 2025-11-12 10:00 Wednesday, 10AM to 11AM
- All-Coalition Quarterly Meeting – February 2025 Zoom 2025-02-11 10:00 Tuesday, 10AM to 11AM
- All-Coalition Quarterly Meeting – May 2025 Zoom 2025-05-13 10:00 Tuesday, 10AM to 11AM
- All-Coalition Quarterly Meeting – August 2025 Zoom 2025-08-12 10:00 Tuesday, 10AM to 11AM
- All-Coalition Quarterly Meeting – November 2025 Zoom 2025-11-12 10:00 Wednesday, 10AM to 11AM
"Creating a Clear Path to Homeownership"
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Coalition Programs Expand Career Opportunities
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We’re Looking for an Executive Director to Lead Our Growth!
January 21, 2025
Coalition Programs Expand Career Opportunities
September 14, 2023
Introducing Tanisha!
August 16, 2023
Coalition Member Recognized on National Stage
July 31, 2023
Welcome Kimberly!
July 12, 2023
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